K' Dior Drip

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 K'Dior Drip Books!

 IntroducIng the Extended Edition of K'Dior Drip. The place to purchase exclusive written content by none other than the creator and CEO of the company. Kimberly Conyers A very inspirational, influential, and spiritual leader, born and raised in TN would like to welcome you all. If you enjoy a good book then you have come to the right place!

 About Author

 Kimberly L. Conyers, Published book author of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, spiritual devotions, self help and suspense short stories. Conyers a very inspirational, influential, and spiritual leader, born and raised in TN has always had a passion for writing. In 2006 her poetry was featured in an anthology series of poems. Later in 2015 Conyers went on to self-publish her first book “Heavens Angel”. In which she later edited and re-released as " Twisted Saga" Releasing alongside " Touched By An Angel" As a dedicated author Conyers aims to please her readers by giving them passion, bringing a piece of her into every detail.

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